Over 60 Years of Experience in Septic System Installations Service & Repair!

Mastin Septic Tank, Inc. serving Toledo and all of North Western Ohio

Pumping the septic tank regularly is the main thing that can and should be done to extend the life of your septic system. 

It is recommended to pump your septic tank every 3-5 years.

Typical septic system layout for a home Installation:

Septic system for typical residential service

A Septic system is made up of 4 basic parts:

  1. The Main Sewer Line, connects the home's plumbing to the septic tank.
  2. The Septic Tank, which is typically buried a few feet under ground and approximately 5-15ft. away from the home. The job of the septic tank is to collect all the material (liquid and solids) that is discarded out of the homes sewer line. Solids will settle at the bottom of the tank and turn into sludge, while oils and grease will form scum at the top of the tank. The wastewater then exits the tank through the distribution pipe to begin the soil absorption process.
  3. Septic system installers for residential homes
  4. The Distribution Box, is where wastewater from the septic tank flows by gravity. On newer systems, the distribution box allows the owner to control which part of the fields are being used at any given time. A diverter valve within the the distribution box directs the flow one way or the other, allowing one side of the field to "rest " or " dry" while the other side of the field is doing all the work. It is important to switch the valve on a periodical basis. By doing this, the distribution box evenly distributes the wastewater from the septic tank into the leach field.
  5. The Leach Field is made up of a network of perforated pipe extendign out away for the septic tank which is buried in gravel filled trenches. This is the soil absorption process. Wastewater that flows into the leach field is eventually absorbed into the ground.
Septic system installers for residential homes